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首页 > > 高档仪器回收,收购N8950A自动量程调节直流电源


发布时间:2021-04-25 16:23        浏览次数:1165        返回列表



手机: 13590197610






DC output ratings
Voltage: 0 to 1000 V
Current: 0 to 30 A
Power: 10000 W
AC input
Voltage range: 340 - 460 VAC
Programming accuracy
Voltage: 0.1% of full-scale
Current: 0.2% of full-scale
  The Keysight(Agilent) N8900 Series provides 5 kW, 10 kW, and 15 kW autoranging, single-output programmable DC power for ATE applications that require just the right amount of performance at just the right price. The N8900 Series power supplies' autoranging output characteristic enables unprecedented flexibility by offering a wide range of voltage and current combinations at full power. Power supplies with rectangular,or traditional, output characteristics provide full power at only one voltage and current combination. Just one N8900 does the job of multiple power supplies. It's like having many power supplies in one!
The N8900 Series provides stable output power, built-in voltage and current measurements, and autoranging output voltage and current from 80 V to 1500 V and 10 A to 510 A. These supplies offer many system-ready features like multiple standard I/O interfaces to simplify and accelerate test-system development and compact 3U design to save rack space. If more power is required, easily parallel multiple N8900 units to create onepower supply with >100 kW of total output power. The built-in master/slave control enables programming as if it's just one big power supply; no need to program each supply individually.
Autoranging output - does the job of multiple power supplies!
5 kW, 10 kW, and 15 kW maximum output power
Up to 1500 V and up to 510 A
14 different voltage, current, and power combinations available in 208 VAC or 400 VAC (28 total models)
Just the right amount of performance at just the right price
Easily parallel units to create onepower supply with >100 kW of power
Built-in voltage and current measurement
High power density, 15 kW in only 3U (5.25/ 13.34 cm)
Protection from over-voltage, over-current, and over-temperature
LAN (LXI Core), USB, GPIB, and analog interfaces all sta

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