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电梯套优质(生产)厂家发布时间:2019-03-04 11:55 浏览次数:150 返回列表
电梯套优质(生产)厂家 【郝经理l85/60l0/l283 weixin】 济南皓晖建材有限公司 电梯门套请联系:一八五六零一零一二八三 郝经理 石塑线条做电梯套的六大优势: 一、可用清水直接清洗,不起泡,不变形 Can be directly with water wsshing ,no bubbies ,no . 二、运用先进技术达到与国家倡导节能政策相呼应的生产效果,使产品做到不渗水,不漏水。 Using advanced technology to meet the production effetc of photograph echo with country adcocating en-ergy-saving policy ,make the products do not ooze water not leak. 三、材料环保,不含油漆,甲醛,笨和其他有体和气味,严格遵循国家环保标准,甲醛含量符合并低于国家要求标准 Paint materials ,environmental protection do not contain ingredients,eliminate benzene and other toxic gases and odor,strictly follow the state environmental protection standards ,comite and content is lower than the national standard. 四、合理设计,科学组合,安装方便快捷 Reasonable design scientific combination ,convenient and quick installation 五、出众,品质超群,色彩多样,款式新颖,图文逼真,几多种优势于一身。 Outstanding professional, superior quality ,color varietr ,style novel,texture ciear combines many advantages in one. 六、材料经阻燃特殊工艺处理,配合高端先进的生产技术,生产出阻燃或者不自燃产品 Choose not flammable or treated with flame retardant soecial process of raw materials and by skilled talents with high-end advanced production technology, to produce flame retardant or not the produce of spontaneous conbustion. 【郝经理l85/60l0/l283 weixin】 电梯套优质(生产)厂家 企业新闻
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