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尼龙粘扣带魔术贴生产厂家 射出勾魔术贴 蘑菇头魔术贴 软勾魔术贴 勾毛同体魔术贴 ...

首页 > > 高档柔软毛面加射出勾魔术贴整理线束扎带


发布时间:2019-10-31 16:02        浏览次数:192        返回列表
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[上一个:深圳背靠背魔术贴]  [下一个:暂无]






可以方便地用来整理和梳理家庭里的各种电线和USB数据线。魔术贴的品种 随着科技的发展,魔术贴的应用也在不断的提高,其品种也在不断的进化,由最初服装手袋厂用的尼龙魔术贴,进化到塑料五金家庭用品厂的背胶自粘魔术贴,电子厂电器厂用的理线带魔术贴扎带,植物用的固定绑带等。

The latest high-grade soft matte surface plus shot hook velcro finishing tie, you can use the laser laser on the cable tie or print the LOGO trademark, so a small and inconspicuous shot hook velcro strap can make your product look more upscale Become a tall product, also known as the Velcro strap, the Velcro strap, it is different from the ordinary tie, the ordinary cable tie, designed with a stop function, can only be tighter and tighter. The Velcro strap is based on the principle of Velcro production. It is a kind of connecting auxiliary points on both sides of the male and female, one side is a small soft fiber and the other side is a harder thing like a small hair. Just put it together. Under a certain pulling force, the elastic hook is straightened, and the rubber is opened from the loop, and then the original hook shape is restored, so that the repeated opening and closing can reach 10,000 times, and the hook and loop fastener is widely used. The ition where various items are often opened or closed, but the traditional hook and loop fasteners can only be fixed to the product or object by sewing.

Uses: Can be used for computer internal cable \ external mouse line \ keyboard line \ network line \ speaker line, etc., headphone cable, USB data cable, various power charger lines, cable lines, household audio lines, bundles around the cabinet wire, Make them layout reasonable, neat and beautiful, easy to clean

Velcro strap

It can be easily used to organize and sort the various wires and USB data cables in the home. With the development of technology, the application of Velcro is constantly improving, and its variety is constantly evolving. From the nylon velcro used in the original clothing handbag factory, it has evolved into the plastic hardware household goods factory. Sticky Velcro, cable management belts for electronics factory electrical appliances with Velcro straps, fixed straps for plants, etc.

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